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Štangl Pavel, Kašparová Ladislava


Vojníkov 43, 397 01 Písek



tel. : 608 230 280, 604 897 015


e-mail : elghund@seznam.cz



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Přehled komentářů


(Robertagv, 5. 7. 2023 14:00)

Высоко энергично статья, мне понравилось это много. Будет ли 2 часть?

Предлагаю также ознакомиться с моей страничкой о продвижении сайтов
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Ваш микрозайм одобрен

(Виталий, 3. 7. 2023 22:06)

Ваш микрозайм одобрен - выдача в день обращения

Collaboration request

(Mike Calhoun , 2. 7. 2023 3:02)

Hi there,

My name is Mike from Monkey Digital,

Allow me to present to you a lifetime revenue opportunity of 35%
That's right, you can earn 35% of every order made by your affiliate for life.

Simply register with us, generate your affiliate links, and incorporate them on your website, and you are done. It takes only 5 minutes to set up everything, and the payouts are sent each month.

Click here to enroll with us today:

Think about it,
Every website owner requires the use of search engine optimization (SEO) for their website. This endeavor holds significant potential for both parties involved.

Thanks and regards
Mike Calhoun

Monkey Digital

Useful information for your site

(MikhailRD, 30. 6. 2023 10:56)

Hello. I offer you my help in correcting all errors and increasing targeted traffic to your site. Your site will become better, highly visited, bringing you much more income. I have been working in the field of creating, improving and promoting websites since 2004. Reasonable rates and guaranteed results. I can really help you.

My main areas of work:

1. Creation of sites. I create sites of various types: blogs, information sites, landing pages, company sites, online stores.

2. Improvement of sites. Correcting any technical and other errors, improving the design, working with the structure and content, working with conversion elements and usability, expanding the semantic core to cover new search queries, internal optimization as such.

3. Promotion of sites in search engines. I will bring your site to the first places for your queries.

4. Work with YouTube and social networks. Creation, development and promotion.

5. Creation of new channels for attracting the target audience and, accordingly, increasing sales.

6. Setting up advertising campaigns in contextual advertising services.

7. Work with reviews on third-party sites. Removal and pessimization of the bad ones, creation and promotion of the good ones. This is important for conversion, many people are interested in reviews.

I can also help with other questions. Write to my mail: prodvigeniesaytov@gmail.com

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(Albertmok, 28. 6. 2023 16:49)

Vitae facilis voluptatem illo odit amet quis voluptatem. Nulla et non aut aperiam eveniet libero occaecati nam. Alias molestias id aut qui. Ab nulla aut fugiat quibusdam consequatur consectetur animi ut.
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Aut nihil neque soluta. Tempore sequi reiciendis reiciendis fugit. Repellat qui vel eos doloremque explicabo earum praesentium debitis. Quo doloribus corporis alias. Ut illo et voluptatem non modi corporis nihil voluptatum.

Исцеление молитвой

(Stevenmob, 25. 6. 2023 2:26)

Пастор Владимир Мунтян — один из ярких представителей духовного служения, способен принести исцеление и обновление тем, кто нуждается в помощи. Его молитвенное служение охватывает широкий спектр болезней и проблем, включая даже наркотическую зависимость.

Благодаря глубокой вере и дару, данным Пастору Владимиру Мунтяну, он служит инструментом Божьей благодати, помогая людям преодолеть свои недуги и трудности. Его молитвенное исцеление приносит обновление души и тела, возвращая радость и здоровье в жизнь каждого, кто обращается к нему с верой.

Если вы или ваши близкие столкнулись с болезнью, физическим или эмоциональным страданием, наркотической зависимостью или иными трудностями, рекомендуем обратиться к Пастору Владимиру Мунтяну. В его молитвенном служении вы найдете поддержку и утешение, а главное — исцеление.

Для получения дополнительной информации о служении Пастора Владимира Мунтяна и о том, как обратиться к нему за помощью, посетите его официальный сайт по ссылке: https://revival-mission.com.ua

Semrush Audit and fixes for elghund.estranky.cz

(Mike Holmes , 23. 6. 2023 17:45)

Hi there

I have just took an in depth look on your elghund.estranky.cz for onsite errors and saw that your website has a handful of issues which should be addressed.

No matter what you are offering or selling, having a poor optimized site, full of bugs and errors, will never help your ranks.

Let us fix your wordpress site errors today and get your ranks reach their full potential

More info:

Mike Holmes

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(Rebeccabog, 19. 6. 2023 14:22)

На портале PKP-RMS - https://pkp-rms.ru, вы сможете выбрать из большого ассортимента, насчитывающего более 1000 наименований товаров. Наша компания - один из крупнейших поставщик в РФ, специализирующийся на поставке высококачественных материалов как для производственных, так и научно-исследовательских целей. Наш каталог товаров - это обширный источник информации о товарах для вашего бизнеса.

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AI Monthly SEO plans

(Mike Owen , 17. 6. 2023 5:12)

Good Day

I have just analyzed elghund.estranky.cz for the ranking keywords and saw that your website could use an upgrade.

We will increase your ranks organically and safely, using state of the art AI and whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support.

More info:

Mike Owen

Test, just a test

(JamesJum, 16. 6. 2023 22:32)



(Yuliacoavy, 15. 6. 2023 8:15)



(Yuliacoavy, 13. 6. 2023 11:16)


NEW: Semrush Backlinks

(Mike Lewis , 3. 6. 2023 15:57)


This is Mike Lewis

Let me show you our latest research results from our constant SEO feedbacks that we have from our plans:


The new Semrush Backlinks, which will make your elghund.estranky.cz SEO trend have an immediate push.
The method is actually very simple, we are building links from domains that have a high number of keywords ranking for them. 

Forget about the SEO metrics or any other factors that so many tools try to teach you that is good. The most valuable link is the one that comes from a website that has a healthy trend and lots of ranking keywords.
We thought about that, so we have built this plan for you

Check in detail here:

Cheap and effective

Try it anytime soon


Mike Lewis


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(YamanShkolaTom, 1. 6. 2023 13:46)

Яманская Школа https://yamanshkola.ru/

Backlink Hut Backlink Review

(Backlink Hut, 1. 6. 2023 10:27)

Title: Exceptional Service and Quality Backlinks from Backlink Hut

Rating: 5* (5/5)

I recently had the pleasure of using Backlink Hut's services, and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed. As an online business owner, I understand the importance of high-quality backlinks for improving search engine rankings and driving organic traffic to my website. Backlink Hut not only exceeded my expectations but also offered their services completely free of charge.

From the very beginning, the team at Backlink Hut demonstrated their professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction. The process of obtaining the backlinks was incredibly simple. All I had to do was provide my website URL, and they took care of the rest. Within a short period, they generated a comprehensive report detailing the backlinks they had created, which they promptly shared with me via both WhatsApp and email. The level of transparency and communication was truly outstanding.

The quality of the backlinks provided by Backlink Hut is exceptional. Each backlink is from a reputable website, relevant to my niche, and contains valuable content. The team at Backlink Hut clearly understands the importance of high domain authority and relevance when it comes to backlinking. These backlinks have already started to improve my website's visibility in search engine results, leading to a noticeable increase in organic traffic.

Moreover, I was particularly impressed by the attention to detail and the personalized approach they adopted throughout the process. They took the time to understand my business and tailor the backlinks accordingly. This level of customization sets Backlink Hut apart from other service providers in the market.

In addition to their excellent service and high-quality backlinks, the fact that Backlink Hut offers their services for free is truly remarkable. It demonstrates their commitment to helping website owners succeed without imposing excessive costs. This is a rare find in the industry, and I am immensely grateful for their generosity.

Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend Backlink Hut to anyone seeking high-quality backlinks. Their exceptional service, attention to detail, and personalized approach make them stand out from the competition. Whether you're a small business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur, Backlink Hut is the go-to destination for improving your website's search engine rankings and driving organic traffic. Thank you, Backlink Hut, for providing such an outstanding service for free.

Disclaimer: This review is based on my personal experience with Backlink Hut, and I have not received any incentives or compensation for writing it.

Биржа копирайтинга TEXT-MARKET

(NormanCog, 25. 5. 2023 21:04)

Здравствуйте уважаемые копирайтеры, заказчики и интернет предпридниматели!
Приглашаем Вас в новую биржу копирайтинга https://text-market.ru/

Что мы предлагаем:

Для заказчиков и покупателей:
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(RussellFlumb, 21. 5. 2023 14:02)

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